
Classified Employees who have retired* and become reemployed will be compensated like other new hires per the OESPA contract.  Click here to view the classified salary schedule.


Teachers who have retired* and become reemployed shall return to their previous salary, or be placed on the new teacher entry placement schedule, whichever is greater.  Click here to view the instructional salary schedule.


Administrators who have retired* and become reemployed will be placed no higher than the top of the 1st quartile for the assigned salary range. Click here to view the administrative salary schedule.


For reemployed retiree salary questions, please contact Compensation Services at:


Compensation Services, 5th floor

Educational Leadership Center

445 West Amelia Street

Orlando, FL  32801

Telephone:  407.317.3387

Fax: 407.317.3345


*Retiree – A former member of one of the retirement systems established by chapters 121, 122, 123,  238, and 321, F.S., who has terminated his/her employment and is receiving benefits from the system in which he/she was a member. This term also includes a person who retired and is receiving benefits under s. 112.05, F.S., and a DROP participant who has not terminated his/her employment. (Source: FRS Pension Plan Handbook, Glossary section.)


A terminated Investment Plan member who has taken a distribution of any kind (e.g., lump sum, rollover, annuity, etc.) from their Investment Plan account is considered retired.  A retired member who is rehired in an FRS-covered position prior to July 1, 2020, is considered a "reemployed retiree" and is subject to the rules and laws governing such members.  The member will be considered a new employee and will be given a new election period.  (Source: FRS Investment Plan Employer Manual.)



For Retirement (FRS) questions, please contact Retirement Services at:


Retirement Services, 3rd floor

Educational Leadership Center

445 West Amelia Street

Orlando, FL  32801

Telephone:  407.317.3227

Fax:  407.317.3412